Failure-to-thrive syndrome, 221
F alciparu m
malaria, 302
Familial, 535
Familial adenomatous polyposis, 612
Familial amyloid, 535
Familial apolipoprotein A-I and C-III
deficiency, 443
Familial breast cancer, pancreas, 612
Familial dysalbuminemic
hyperthyroxinemia (FDH), 775
Familial HDL deficiency, 440
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH),
Familial hyperproinsulinemia, 492
Familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia, 443
Familial hypoparathyroidism,
8 8 6
Fanconi’s syndrome, 559
Faraday’s constant, 72, 73, 257
Farber’s disease (lipogranulomatosis), 412
Farnesyl pyrophosphate, 420, 878
Fast twitch
glycolytic, 235
oxidative-glycolytic, 235
Fast-twitch (FT) fiber, 462
Fasting, 232
Fasting state, 339
Fat-soluble vitamins, 904
Fatty acid biosynthesis, 245
Fatty acid oxidation, 280
peroxisomal, 372
regulation of, 372
Fatty acid synthase (FAS), 383
regulation of, 384
Fatty acid synthase complex, 110
Fatty acid synthesis, 235
sources of NADPH, 384
Fatty acids, 241,365
activation, 366
elongation, 385
essential, 388
deficiency of, 389
hydroxylated, 223
medium-chain, 217
nonessential, 386
oxidation of, 366
-oxidation, 368
tissue utilization, 506
Fatty streak, 445
Favism, 303
FBPase-2, 281
FcYRIIAgene, 184
+/Fe3+ ion, 108
Feedback inhibition, 110
Feedback regulation, 232, 725
Female contraception, 799
Ferricyanide, 673
Ferritin mRNA
coordinate, 680
Ferritin synthesis, 680
Ferrochelatase, 687
Ferrous iron, 676
Ferrous/ferric iron ion, 108
Fetal alcohol syndrome, 379
Fetal development, 897
Fetal fibronectin, 162
Fetal hemoglobin, 657
Fetal lung maturity
biochemical determinants of, 408
Fetal neural tube defects, 619
a-fetoprotein, 128, 923
Fever, 332, 396
Fiber cells, 156
Fibers, 149
elastic, 179
recoil of, 181
Fibrillar collagen, 176
Fibrillar model, 181
Fibrillin, 180
-fibrilloses, 56
Fibrin, 24, 850
Fibrin D-dimer,
8 6 8
Fibrin monomer, 851
Fibrin stabilizing factor, 844
Fibrinogen, 163, 843, 850, 870
Fibrinolysis, 92, 861
products of, 861
Fibrinolytic subsystem, 859
Fibrinopeptide B, 304
Fibroblasts, 173
Fibronectin, 162
fetal, 162
integrins and, 163
tripeptide sequence, 163
Fibrous plaque, 445
Figlu, 351
Figlu excretion test, 618
Filamin, 480
Filipino a-thalassemia-l, 961
Fimbrin, 480
Finasteride, 707
Fingerprinting, 959
First messenger signals, 110
First-order reaction, 76
Fischer projection, 141
Fischer projection formula, 134
Fish sperm, 184
Fisheye disease, 444, 448
Fitzgerald factor, 844
Five fluorouracil, 641
FK506, 721, 828
Flagella, 480
Flatulence, 213
Flaujac factor, 844
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 93,
107, 239, 335
Flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 107
Flucytosine (5-fluorocytosine), 641
Fludrocortisone, 752
Fluid absorption
disorders of,
2 2 2
Fluorescence, 21
Fluorescence immunoassay
(FIA), 124
Fluorescence polarization immunoassay
(FPIA), 124
Fluoride, 875
Fluoride ion, 97
Fluorine, 892
Fluorocitrate, 242
5-fluorocytosine, 641
Foam stability test (FST), 409
inhibition of, 93
Folate analogues, 626
Folic acid, 922
Folin-ciocalteu reaction, 36
Follicle, 702
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
309, 745
Follicular phase, 790
appetite, hunger, and intake, 497
thermic effect, 224
Food groups, 80
Forces in proteins
attractive, 52
repulsive, 52
Formation of bilirubin, 690
Formation of 5-phosphoribosyl-
-pyrophosphate, 619
Formation of AMP and GMP
inhibitors, 626
Formation of IMP
inhibitors, 626
Formation of uroporphyrinogen III, 685
Formiminoglutamic acid (figlu), 923
N-formylkynurenine, 361
Formylmethyonyl-leucyl phenylalanine,
Fragile sites, 560
Fragile X syndrome, 561
Frameshift mutations, 560
Fred sanger, 536
Fredreich’s ataxia, 561
Free energy of activation, AG',
6 8
Free energy of hydrolysis of ATP, 73
Free metanephrine, 767
Freezing point, 932
Freezing point depression, 932
Frontotemporal dementias, 62
Frothy diarrhea, 213
Fructokinase, 296
Fructosamine, 513
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